perm filename TASKS[RDG,DBL] blob sn#642964 filedate 1982-02-02 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Given knowledge about SCORE, figure how to use SAIL.
C00003 00003	Dialogue: EMACS from E
C00006 00004	(Non)Corresponding commands: (E to EMACS)
C00009 00005	Goal - wrt Existing KBs
C00013 00006	II. Design a new KB (and expert system) modelled after existing KB/expert system:
C00014 ENDMK
Given knowledge about SCORE, figure how to use SAIL&
Nk <ESC> on SAIL - instead minimal prefix is sufficient.
	Also different control characters -- in line editor.
Directories are [prn,prp], not <User>.

EMACS is like E
	But character oriented, not line

TEX is like SCRIBE
	But n-pass each time
	Based on macros, not...

Learn E on UNIX, exploiting metap@!←efA→e←Z@q'β∪_y
⎇5βπ&~(→	SC1←OkJhA≠β
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[⎇AQQ(~≡h_(|;Y4L≥λ≠9,=_;Z.=r moving stuff around (αA, αC) - EMACS does it
	by (i) deleting and yanking back,
	or (ii) putting it into a buffer, then depositing that buffer.
EMACS - most commands can have 2 numerical parameters, E but 1.
	Default argument is the standard case: for both, usually +1 (eg for PAGE)
		[of course αL is simply 1L, NOT +1L (as that just <CR>)]
E - no backwards search (because of pages.)
EMACS based on 2 points (cursor and point) - E just has cursor.
E saves automatically on leaving a page, EMACS never saves (of course could twiddle
	it to do so automatically.)

Given this:
Mail at SAIL based on E, on SCORE on EMACS.  How similar, and how different?

Get to internals later: EMACS written on TECO, E in crude assembly code.
Goal - wrt Existing KBs

I. Incorporate a new concept, X, into an existing KB.

This can only work for certain types of domain concepts X:
(1) There is some domain concept Y s.t.
  (i) X is like Y
  (ii) much is known about Y
(2) Little is known about X, except
(3) How X is {like	    } Y.
 	     {different from}

The process would essentially involve:
	Finding all facts, F, which deal with Y.  From each such F, create an
analogous F', which deals with X. (I.e. Y:F :: X: F'.)

	[Dendral world]
Esters like ketones
	[Molgen world]
EnzymesX like Restriction Enzymes
Expressed Regions (in DNA) like UnExpressed Regions.
Extrons are like Spacers (between-coding-region regions).
	[Chess worhd]
Rooks are like Bishops.
Rook pawns are like Bishop pawn.
	[Electronics world]
PNP junctions like NPN.
	[VLSI world]
AND gates are like OR gates.
vanNeumann machines like VLSI computers.
	[Computer science]
Recursion is like Iteration.
Partial orderings are like total orderings.
Lattices are like Strict Hierarchies.
Groups are like Fields | Rings | ...

From Shortliffe:
	[Medical world]
<Trophic hormones>
Pituitary gland sends TCH to thyroid gland, which responds with T4,
	back to pituitary
Given this, consider how pituitary interacts with Adrenal:
(here it uses ACTH to Adrenal, and ? back)

?H from pituitary to skin. (no feedback)

Note that ?H shares much structure with ACTH (6 of 8-10 amino acids)

another use of analogy
for Oncology - visits are arranged horizontally, special medications vertically.
Then consider what next treatment should be, based on this history.
It should be analogous to earlier treatments, in similar situations...

Programme - find a few good fields, and X/Y pairs.
Important to be able to test result -- ie a running program (using Y),
and need to use X - together with known rules of X (which can be checked).

II. Design a new KB (and expert system) modelled after existing KB/expert system:

The abstraction here is (a theory of) EMYCIN.

Meningitis : Mycin :: Urinary tract diseases : ?
Meningitis : Mycin :: ?			     : SACON